Gotta Love A Pink Haired Woman


Filed under Fashion, Life, Photography, Photos, Pink, Uncategorized

7 responses to “Gotta Love A Pink Haired Woman

  1. Great hair. Great color. Most importantly your independence shows through all your blog. You are unique Pink.

  2. 1795e

    is your hair actully pink???!!!!! =0 8)8)=)

  3. Thanks, Michael!

    And, yep, Annie, my hair is really, really pink. I like to say that it’s my natural color. When asked, “How?” I say, “My brain exploded onto my head.”

  4. 1795e

    ohh really well pink is a good color it looks really really good on you lol =)

  5. 1795e

    you know i like you to be my friend on here caz your the only one who ever responds back to me thank very much ❤ =) 8)

  6. 1795e

    OMG you look like my 2 grade teacher but not the haid hers was redish brownish i love you hair thogh!!!! =) dude get online!!!!

  7. That is an awesome colour! Not far removed from a colour I put in my hair but because I don’t bleach first it only covers the grey bits. It shows up more when I shoot videos outdoors.

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